36 Kosta Khetagurovi St.0102, Tbilisi, Georgia


Birkaia & Kvantaliani More Information Company Management More Information Services More Information Contact Us More Information Believing in the power of law to make people’s lives better Making the world a better place Small cases, big hearts… We fight for both.

About Us

Birkaia & Kvantaliani LLC was established on February 18, 2005. It is the law firm staffed by highly qualified legal professionals representing the interests of wide range of local and foreign companies in Georgia.


Legal and advisory support to investment and business projects in compliance with civil, commercial, tax, administrative and labor laws of Georgia.
Representation and advocacy services in accordance with the best interests of our clients at state institutions and judicial bodies of any instance or at arbitration tribunals.
Negotiations and agreements with private and state bodies and institutions in accordance with the best interests of our clients.

Request a Consultation

And we will try to make it worth yout time to discuss the issue

    Our Office Address

    36 Kosta Khetagurovi St.,0102, Tbilisi, Georgia

    Our Phone Numbers

    +995 790 290272



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